Ormeau Florist’s Substitution Policy is required as sometimes substitution is necessary to guarantee top quality.

On occasion it may be necessary to substitute some or all of the flowers used in your arrangement or bouquet. This may be due to a number of factors that are not possible to predict, like local flower or colour availability.

Seasonal availability can also mean some flower types may vary from those displayed in some of the images on our website. We will always go out of our way to try and source the flowers that you want, but this is not always possible.

The gift wrapping & packaging may also vary from what is pictured on the website.

If any major substitution is required or something you have ordered specifically is unavailable, we will make every effort to contact you and inform you before delivery. However, due to time constraints and unforeseen circumstances, this may not always be possible and we may go ahead with the substitution without notifying you in order to prevent further delays.

In the case of a substitution we guarantee to always substitute flowers of equal or higher value, and will attempt to keep with the theme of the flowers originally chosen, ensuring your order will be on time and of the best quality.