Rose Bouquet Half Dozen (6)
$89.00 – $99.00
Introducing our exquisite Half Dozen (6) Rose Bouquet, a timeless expression of love and elegance that speaks volumes without saying a word. Arranged with care by our skilled florists, this bouquet is perfect for any occasion that warrants a touch of romance and sophistication.
Each bouquet features six stunning roses in your choice of Red, White, Soft Pink or Bright Pink with beautiful fresh greenery presented in elegant wrapping with satin ribbon.
At Ormeau Florist we take pride in sourcing the finest roses, ensuring that every bloom is at the peak of its perfection. With a choice of classic red roses for passionate declarations, soft pink for grace and admiration, bright pink for appreciation and gratitude or pure white for a symbol of purity, you can customize your bouquet to match the sentiment you wish to convey.
Our skilled floral designers will select the best wrap and coordinating ribbon based on the chosen flower, these may vary to what appears in the image.
Order your Half Dozen Rose Bouquet today and let the language of flowers convey your emotions in the most enchanting way possible.
Additional information
Color | Red, White, Bright Pink, Soft Pink |